Relationships can be hard work at times, especially if we were raised around dysfunctional relationships growing up. Therapy can make a significant difference into how we communicate with each other. We use an emotionally focused approach to solving relationship problems if your relationship needs help.
If you are looking to find love online and/or keep meeting people that are not healthy emotionally AND you think that something is wrong with you…. psychotherapy can help you to uncover your unconscious relationship patterns and discover healthy relationships.
“Some people try to be tall by cutting off the heads of others”
— Paramhansa Yogananda
If you have been a victim of narcissistic abuse then therapy can help you recover
love bombing – Keeping in constant contact, falling in love in the first few weeks of a relationship.
Gas lighting – Telling you that your reality is not true – denying they said things to make you appear crazy.
Conversation Hoarder. The narcissist loves to talk about him or herself, you struggle to have your views and feelings heard. conversations can go round and round in circles.
Rule Breaker.The narcissist enjoys getting away with violating rules and social norms, such as helping himself to other people money, they will display no remorse when they are caught and blaming the victim.
Boundary Violator. A narcissist disregards other people’s thoughts, feelings, possessions, and physical space. Uses others without consideration or sensitivity. Borrows items or money without returning. Breaks promises and obligations repeatedly. Shows little remorse and blames the victim.
False Image Projection. Many narcissists like to do things to impress others by making themselves look good. This can exhibit itself physically, romantically, sexually, socially, religiously, financially, materially, professionally, academically, or culturally. In these situations, they use people, objects, status, and/or accomplishments to represent the self. These grandstanding “merit badges” are often exaggerated.
Entitlement. Narcissists often expect preferential treatment from others. They expect others to cater to their needs, without being considerate in return, the world revolves around them.
Charmer. Narcissists can be very charming and persuasive. When they’re interested in you they make you feel very special and put you on a pedestal. However, once they lose interest in you most likely after they’ve gotten what they want or used all of your money, or became bored, they drop you without a second thought.
Grandiose Thinking of oneself as a prince, princess or knight, or a special person such as a unicorn. Some narcissists have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, believing that others cannot live or survive without his or her magnificent contributions.
Negative Emotions. Many narcissists enjoy arousing negative emotions to gain attention, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance. They are easily upset at any real or perceived slights or inattentiveness. They may throw a tantrum if you disagree with their views, or fail to meet their expectations. They are extremely sensitive to criticism, and typically respond with heated argument or cold detachment. On the other hand, narcissists are often quick to judge, criticize, ridicule, and blame you. Some narcissists are emotionally abusive. By making you feel inferior, they boost their ego.
Manipulation: Using Others as an Extension of Self. The narcissist may use his or her romantic partner, child, friend, or colleague to meet self-serving needs. They may try to control the children of a new partner or create division between their partner and her children.